Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

How do we remain uplifted in these trying times?

Self empowerment guru Bridget Menezes offers 10 invaluable tips.

Walking gracefully across the room, her long skirt swishing gently around her legs, self-empowerment guru and former music teacher Bridget Menezes looks a picture of serenity.

Turning to face her audience at a recent gathering at the NAM institute for the Empowerment of Women, she flashes a wide knowing smile as she launches into a talk about how to overcome the doom and gloom brought about by out unsettled times.

The 70-plus Menezes is a speaker at various public and private institutions, appears on TV shows and is a columnist with some of our local English newspapers.

“I don’t know what it is that I’m supposed to be scared of. I have little money, little jewellery but I do know that I owe it to myself to be happy, optimistic and to think positive as much possible”.

The deep furrows at the corners of her eyes are prominent, but they are a testament to Menezes’ ever-smiling disposition. Her simply styled silver-white hair lends age but they also accord her that saintly hallowed effect.

Despite her years, Menezes proudly declares that she’s free of the usual afflictions of those her age – bone aches, body aches and headaches – which she credits to the power of the positive mind.

“Occasionally, there are a few aches and pains, but I laugh it off with good humour. As for illness, with regular exercise, and a positive outlook, I’ve managed to build an inner greatness.”

So, what are her tips to overcoming these trying times?

1) The situation is going to be grim enough, so why should we make it worse? All we need is to make some small adjustments and understand that we can’t have it good all the time. Its Earth’s cycle.

2) There’s always something to be grateful for. Make a list and count your blessings. A person who thinks negatively all the time creates psychological consequences in the body because negative thinking elicits a flow of stress hormones whereas positive thoughts stimulate a secretion of good feel hormones, which in turn supports the good immune function.

3) If you panic and start thinking the worst, you create a cascade of negative ill effects, which affect the whole body. It takes a toll, in particular, on sleep, besides moods and relationships.

4) Remember: Health is Wealth. If we’re able to keep our calm and cheer, we become creative because a happy disposition increases the level of endorphin and lowers the production of stress hormones.

5) Life is full of extremes – ups and downs, victory and defeat, praise and defamation. Any kind of threat should be taken a challenge. Carefree times are wonderful but it’d be boring if nothing ever changed. So when a challenge comes, learn to appreciate and to deal with it. Everything happens for a reason, including the downturn economy.

6) Remember the words: Nothing New. We’re faced this situation before, and we’ll face it again. History repeats itself. Sometimes we think too much and we afford out thoughts hospitality, so they end up being long staying guests. At a point of crisis, we come to a turning point. We can either go forward, or step backwards.

7) Live more, worry less. When you stop fretting about what’s beyond your control and start focusing and generating kind and optimistic thoughts, then life will flow in a more positive direction.

8) Think before you speak. Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. And watch your character, it becomes your destiny. Everything starts with a thought.

9) The biggest disease of the mind is thinking too much, especially about others. Thinking too much is like eating too much. There’s heaviness and you’re not able to be flexible. Its better that we focus in enriching ourselves.

10) Three ingredients to a log and happy life: live with attention, not tension. Use your time in a worthwhile way – wasting time is wasting life. The only one thing you can’t recycle today is wasted time. Be positive and have good thoughts always.

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