Monday, October 5, 2009

Last Night!

Trust is not something that just pops up, its something you earn. But how can you earn the trust when the basis is distrust?
Yesterday just out of the blue, i had a friend that actually gave me splendid advice on how i should evaluate my life. Talk about perspective. I've never had someone tell me how should i open my thoughts and perspectives in such a way that is so profound.
I now have to re-evaluate the course i am headed to into taking things that i am interested in, i want to:
pick up another 2 languages,
take up more certifications in system security, networking and computing,
Get my engineering Masters
have a commitment to do all these above by the time i hit 30.

Its as though God himself gave me a revelation yesterday to take a hard look at my life and decide on which road i should take, and his angel definitely gave me a good push. If only the world exists with more angels like that, i'm sure that it'll be a better place. :)

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