Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lent is Upon Us

The Time has come to step into the dessert,
To lay down all possessions of Earthly being,
Letting go of all the pleasures of man,
And praying to God for his Holy Plan,

Lent is upon is all,
everyone Great and Small,
We need not be saddened by these days,
but pray fervently for inspiring grace,

Blessings be to all who come,
Blessings be Everyone,
Pray for Brother and Sisters everywhere,
Pray for Family and Friends somewhere,
Pray for Those who have nowhere,
Pray for Those who have lead before,
Pray for those who will lead this walk.

Blessings be to everyone.

P.S. Special mention to Maria Felix Christie, Loving Father and Husband, Rest in Peace and you always be in our hearts always.

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