Friday, September 11, 2009

Moderation is the Key

Time is something very abstract and it differs from people to people. For some people, time is aplenty and for others its not enough. Sometimes the scheduling that we make could be disastrous and calamity tends to happen. but others it seems that there is just too much time for some menial work.

How do you measure the worth of the time? Is taking time off for yourself a waste of time?

I think if you spend time with something you believe to be good and right, be it alone, with family, colleagues or friends, its all good, just to make sure that you do not neglect your responsibilities that go with it.

Now i feel that managing time is very important, but to micro manage time, is utterly ridiculous.
Think about it and you'll come to realise that not everything needs to be a certain order, but it helps if it does to keep things in balance. learn to adapt and time will never let you down again.

On another note, time is so abstract, therefore, when you have it, even little of it, say "I Love You" to someone or anyone, it will brighten up their day, and maybe even yours. :)

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